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Gunship Design
The Gunship evolved from a quick doodle — part of a daily sketchbook exercise — and ended up consuming my attention for several weeks as I developed more and more detailed explorations of the design.

I try to start my days out with random warm-up sketches; usually the result is a mess, but sometimes something strikes my fancy and I start falling down a rabbit hole. I really fell in love with the Gunship design and wanted to share some of the process sketches — and the most excellent final illustration!

It started as a rough thumbnail (below, left-hand side), but quickly took overthe page with exploration sketches:

I tried a quick colour composition:

A detail of the rear gunner:

It took a little while to figure out the shape of the wings, and even took to Instagram for advice and inspiration:

Even when I started playing with colour and cleaned-up renders, the wings were still in a state of flux…

…. but eventually I settled on this configuration:

Inevitably I started working on a cutaway illustration. Cutaway illustrations are some of my favourite projects to work on, and often the conclusion of personal designs that I fall in love with … like this one!

The cutaway in-progress:

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